Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

we're being invaded

Produced for the exhibition "SPAMM FUTURE ft. Perfect Users" as part of SPAMM ( and the Perfect Users Collective ( The theme was: Your Vision About Spam Messages In The Future...


Screen dump of the ARTSPAM #1 email sent out to as many addresses as I could find and the reply to those who responded:

Dear spammed one,

Thank you for your patience while I experiment with art. I have been increasingly interested in the use of technology to not only distribute art but engage audiences interactively with process. Your acknowledgement is very much appreciated. Please feel free to forward on the email to anyone. For the technically minded they are animated GIF files made from stills from my film 'we are here'...

Best wishes...SpamBob

I just wanted to say...

Please write your response. It will be assembled into an automatic poem. All replies are anonymous...

Internet Archive has a makeover...

I cannot emphasize enough the impact and influence the Internet Archive has had on my art, and the direction it has taken since mid way through 2012 when I started getting interested in video and came across the Archive when searching for some public domain footage to experiment with. Since then it has become something of a second home on the Web, one where I resource much of my 'found footage', the repository of my video collection, the definitive 'home' of public domain and the concept of the 'free web', as well as the vast collections of text, audio, books, Netlables, images, music, film, the Gutenberg Collection, the Wayback Machine...the list just goes on and on and on. And all for FREE!

The Archive has just released a Beta version of their new look and feel, and now my video collection is presented in the above format rather than just a list of text titles. I think it's pretty cool (as is everything the Archive is, does and stands for). You can now even 'like' my videos! Check it out here...

I would also encourage you to join and support the Archive. Very easy to sign up and get your e-library card and become part of the electronic frontier...

Virtual versus reality?

Too often new technology is about itself, so I was pleased to see this virtual orchestra providing not only entertainment and education but challenging the historical conservatism of the classical music field. While remixing and electronic experimentation has become commonplace in contemporary music, the classics have largely remained 'untouchable'. Purists may be horrified, Mendelssohn may roll over in his grave, but I say pump up the volume!

The story of how this was created can be found here...   

Mendelssohn Effektorium - Virtual orchestra for Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Museum Leipzig from WHITEvoid on Vimeo.