black red white

Realization: anonymous waves
Sound: 'Complete' by The Implicit Order

You can download the HD files here...

'Complete' by The Implicit Order is taken from the extraordinary compilation album Classwar Karaoke - 0024 Survey curated by suRRism-Phonoethics and available as a free download from the Free Music Archive here...

More The Implicit Order soundscapes are available on Bandcamp here...

Bride of Christ

Bob Georgeson, Bride of Christ, 2009, Photomontage

Let's kick off the festive season with appropriate cynicism...

kaspar is dead

You can download the (higher definition) files here:

You can view all the videos on the Internet Archive here...

Prelude (to a dream)

Bob Georgeson, Prelude, 2013, Photomontage

Now if you were to seriously ask me what the dream was about I would have to say "You must be joking!"

The Hand of Isis

Bob Georgeson, The Hand of Isis, 2009, Photomontage

The Origins of Life

Video mashup where contemporary dance meets the denizens of the deep in a visual poem about creativity and the emergence of life in the sea, and the womb...

You can download the files here...

Little pictures

Bob Georgeson, Untitled Mini Series, 2005?, Photomontage

These earlier ones were done in reaction to a curator telling me I should work 'big'. My (very predictable) response was to go in the other direction. Not quite postage stamp size, but you get the general idea...