Why is this happening?

This video is a result of my concerns over what is happening in the world in places like Ukraine and the plight of asylum seekers in Australia. It seems that 50+ years after the youth rebellion of the 60's that nothing much has changed. The fight for freedom of speech and expression goes on...

I am indebted to Hyaena Fierling Reich (aka Ana Cordeiro Reis) for the use of Dog Day Sunrise as the soundscape. This was originally released as part of the Classwar Karaoke - 0019 Survey compilation available for free download from the Free Music Archive here...

For more information about Ana go to her website here...

You can download the video from the Internet Archive here...

You can view all the videos here...

A town that's seen better days...

Scenes from the Central Tablelands on the recent trip up north...

Billie Holiday

I find it hard to write about Billie Holiday without getting very emotional. In fact I don't even listen to her recordings all that often for the same reason. It is hard to comprehend what an unbelievably tragic life she had, to the point where one is sickened to the core by man's inhumanity to man. These two performances I post today with a sense of frustration that there is still so much injustice in the world, and in the hope that the messages can still touch us enough to take a stand against oppression and continue to fight for freedom of speech and expression. April Fool's Day tomorrow and believe me Humanity: the jokes on you...

Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit

Billie Holiday - Fine and Mellow

More postcards from Bega

Back in the studio after another road trip up north, so 2895 kilometers later trying to remember what I was doing before I left. Well, the short answer is collaborative video work with two exceptional European based artists but that project must remain 'in the wings' until publicly released. Meanwhile, here's a few snaps from beautiful Bega, the 'jewel' of the far south coast..


anonymous waves, Sandflow, 2014, Digital print

Another one at 640 x 640...


 anonymous waves, Resignation, 2014, Digital print

This one is part of a series done at 640x640 pixels (CD cover size) and available for free download under the Creative Commons license. If you want a hand with some typography drop us a line...

The Problem with Modern Art #5

Bob Georgeson, Penetration, 200?, Photomontage