
LES MAMELLES DE TIRESIAS is a French website run by the charming Patrick Vincent that focuses on dada, surrealism, constructivism and other avant-garde movements. Superbly researched and up-to-date with current events and exhibitions it is a wonderful resource for all who are passionate about art. Produced with an enthusiasm that only a devotee can understand I recommend it highly and encourage you to add it to your bookmarks. 

I am honoured to be included in the list of artists on the homepage, many of them being seminal influences on my own humble creative efforts. I was also pleased to see Dusan Marek on the list, and I have shared some of my memories of him with Patrick. Thank you Mr. Vincent! It is indeed a privilege...


 Dorothea Tanning, who taught me that you are never too old to create...

 My beloved Dusan Marek, who taught me that surrealism is a way of life...

 The sublime Francis Picabia who showed me anonymous waves...

 The beautiful Hannah Hoch, undisputed queen of photomontage...

 Jean Arp taught me that Kaspar is Dead...

 Luis Bunuel, the Grandmaster, every scene my primary inspiration...

Kurt Schwitters, who showed me the marvellous in the mundane...

Holiday Dream

Bob Georgeson, Holiday Dream, 2014, Photomontage