dadaland collective presents it's first exhibition SPEAK! The exhibition is about "words, language, communication, information, letters, voice, dialects, linguistics, sounds, people" and features works by Tim Tsang (USA), Anthony Washburn (aka The Implicit Order) (USA), Elle Thorkveld (USA), Milica Raicevic (Serbia), Sava Zolog (aka Darko Vukic) (Serbia), Gabriela Green Olea (Australia), Jose Ramon Alcala (Spain), Kerry Baldry (UK), Parch Es (USA), Stefan Ljumov (Serbia), Yvana Samandova (France), Michael Szpakowski (UK), Borjan Zarevski (France), Miloš Bojović (Serbia), Yartn Saloan (Mexico), Michael Borras aka Systaime (France), Andrew Stys (UK) and myself. You can access the exhibition here...


SPEAK! promo video

SPEAK! is the first exhibition by dadaland collective: It is about words, language, communication, information, letters, voice, dialects, linguistics, sounds, people. Available mid May 2019 at