Showing posts with label collaboration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collaboration. Show all posts

dadaland collective presents it's first exhibition SPEAK! The exhibition is about "words, language, communication, information, letters, voice, dialects, linguistics, sounds, people" and features works by Tim Tsang (USA), Anthony Washburn (aka The Implicit Order) (USA), Elle Thorkveld (USA), Milica Raicevic (Serbia), Sava Zolog (aka Darko Vukic) (Serbia), Gabriela Green Olea (Australia), Jose Ramon Alcala (Spain), Kerry Baldry (UK), Parch Es (USA), Stefan Ljumov (Serbia), Yvana Samandova (France), Michael Szpakowski (UK), Borjan Zarevski (France), Miloš Bojović (Serbia), Yartn Saloan (Mexico), Michael Borras aka Systaime (France), Andrew Stys (UK) and myself. You can access the exhibition here...

COPE (Communities of practice emerging) First workshop, Bega, Sunday February 10 2019

Footage from the first workshop of the COPE (Communities of practice emerging) project in the Bega Valley. Initiated by Gabriela Green Olea the project is funded under a CASP (Country Arts Support Program) grant administered by Regional Arts NSW (RANSW) on behalf of Create NSW. The first workshop was mentored by Alison Plevey. Apart from the introductory talks all performances were impromptu improvisations.

yes, yes you are Garrett Lynch

Inspiration: Garrett Lynch from his Facebook art project 'I am not Garrett Lynch (irl)'. Sound by The Implicit Order and The Ephemeral Man from their album Wood N' Head. Video by Bob Georgeson. Produced by anonymous waves and The Implicit Order for dadaland collective:

Who is dadaland collective?

dadaland collective: is a proposal for the next iteration of The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale to be called The Wrong (nova) scheduled for November/December 2019 and January 2020.

dadaland collective: takes as it's point of departure Hugo Ball's description of Cabaret Voltaire: “Everyone has been seized by an indefinable intoxication. The small cabaret is about to come apart at the seams and is going to be a playground for crazy emotions.”

dadaland collective: is Tim Tsang, Anthony Washburn (aka The Implicit Order), Elle Thorkveld, Milica Raicevic, Sava Zolog (aka Darko Vukic), Gabriela Green Olea, Jose Ramon Alcala, Isaac Liehne and Bob Georgeson.

Five Points of a Circle - the films

From the solo exhibition at M16 Artspace, Canberra, ACT. January 17 to February 3 2019...

Five Points of a Circle: experimental films by Bob Georgeson

Bob Georgeson, waterflame (video still), 2018

OPENS this Thursday January 17 at 6pm! M16 Artspace, 21 Blaxland Crescent, Griffith, ACT. Exhibition runs 17 January - 3 February 2019. Here's the blurb and set list...

Experimental film maker Bob Georgeson presents a series of films that explore themes of memory, loneliness, alienation, mystery and disquiet. The films also reflect his 5 primary areas of exploration: Socio-political commentary, societal collapse and disintegration, chance encounters and collaboration, seeking the marvellous in the mundane and the impacts of new technologies on human interactions.

Bob lives and works from his studio at Wallaga Lake on the NSW far south coast. He has exhibited at exhibitions, festivals and events around the world including the UK, USA, Russia, France, Netherlands, Serbia, Syria, Taiwan and within Australia. He is a founding member and coordinator of dadaland collective, artist at SPAMM (SuPer Art Modern Museum), featured artist at the Bega Valley Regional Gallery, member of Glitch Artists Collective, curator and artist at The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale and member of the Community of Practices Emerging (COPE) project in the Bega Valley. He primarily works on collaborative projects in the Creative Commons.

List of Works
  1. This We Are, 2018, Video and sound by Bob Georgeson. Spoken word by Amy Lohrman (USA).
  2. Burning Brooms, 2018, Video and sound by Bob Georgeson.
  3. detached, 2016, Video and sound by Bob Georgeson, Spoken word by Alina Stefan (Romania).
  4. Make It Stop, 2016, Video by Bob Georgeson, Sound by Calling Sister Midnight (USA).
  5. Morana, 2018, Video by Bob Georgeson and Milica Raicevic (Serbia), Sound by Jack Hertz (USA).
  6. Quacking Up, 2017, Video by Bob Georgeson, Sound by another cultural landslide (USA).
  7. The Last of the Gardens, 2016, Video by Bob Georgeson, Sound by De Grot (Netherlands), Spoken word by Griet Menschaert (Netherlands).
  8. The Silicon Smile, 2018, Video and sound by Bob Georgeson.
  9. The Summering, 2018, Video by Bob Georgeson, Sound by Tagirijus (Germany).
  10. This is not an intersection, 2017, Video by Bob Georgeson, Sound by The Implicit Order (USA).
  11. waterflame, 2018, Video and sound by Bob Georgeson.
Total Running Time: 23m 44s

Liquid Electric Dance

Dance: Alison Plevey & Gabriela Green Olea. Music: BoomBox. Video: Bob Georgeson from original footage shot by Martin Ollman. This video is supported by CREATE NSW, with special thanks to fLiNG Physical Theatre and QL2 Dance.

Third Visit November 12th 2018 (stills)

Pics from yesterday's session at Camel Rock with the incredible Gabriela Green Olea! Video to come soon...

Videodrome 2 Collection as part of VIDÉOTHÈQUE Images Contre Nature, Marseille, France, 2018

Very pleased that my film Morana (a collaboration with Milica Raičević) has been included in the Videodrome 2 Collection as part of VIDÉOTHÈQUE Images Contre Nature 2018 in Marseille in France. It has got to be the cutest little theatre ever!


Very pleased to have my film and poem 'detached' included as part of the dadabloge event staged by the mobius group in Boston
'detached' began as a cut-up poem in English which was then translated into Romanian and read by Romanian dancer and artist Alina Stefan. As the dadabloge event is a tribute to dada founder Tristan Tzara (known to his friends as 'the little Romanian') it makes a nice connection...and special thanks to Tim Tsang for the loop through to the artists at mobius!

critical engagement

least obviously
intricate web
geometric poem
insistently intervenes

a demarcation
stake out
sacred discourses
strings plucked
within the fabric

texture may
virtually any shape

deepest recesses
whose claustrophobic
is something of an unquiet soul

it will always find ways to return

dadaland collective:

dadaland collective:

is a proposal for the next iteration of The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale to be called The Wrong (nova) scheduled for November/December 2019 and January 2020. The Wrong Board and Council is yet to hand down guidelines and timelines (this is expected late 2018), but from previous nova events organised by The Wrong's founder David Quiles Guilló we might assume that they include this: “An interactive, full-environmental experience inside museums and cultural institutions, utilizing color, light, textures, music and design, in the form of collaborative and integrated art compositions and performances by a selected range of artists from around the world. Each time NOVA happens, it happens in a different shape and form, but always respecting its three key features: to reveal the work in progress, to generate all work in collaboration between the artists participating and to always make it live.”

dadaland collective:

takes as it's point of departure Hugo Ball's description of Cabaret Voltaire: “Everyone has been seized by an indefinable intoxication. The small cabaret is about to come apart at the seams and is going to be a playground for crazy emotions.”

If you would like to be part of dadaland collective: please write to

Second Visit April 9th 2018

From the second exploration about the development of a video/performance work. With Gabriela Green Olea (dancer and social artist), Joy Georgeson (sculptor) and Bob Georgeson (video artist). Camel Rock, South Eastern Australia, Monday April 9th 2018. Music by Viktor Sethy...

Cassette Pet

From the 30th Anniversary album The Chain by The Implicit Order

The Chain by The Implicit Order

Teaser for the 30th Anniversary album The Chain by The Implicit Order...

I just wanted to say... (automatic poem)

I just wanted to say...
I love you
Im eternal....
Hey thanks
in all my life, in all your life, thoughts just fly away, brittle winds throw up your thoughts, nothing left to say
there is room for one more inside
I hope you have a great day!
Many of these things are
that even thought the nature of existence is the one of suffering, we are all in this together.
you were right but it doesn't change the fact that we're about to die. i'm sorry i couldn't give _____ back to you. don't forgive me. let me die with the guilt proferred, weightless and glimmering, zeroes and ones, an echo in the sound.
humanity is great and awful and i want to hug and kill everyone
Geopoliticus Face Alienated
That knowing the time of day...
fuck the unluck of good ppl
Listen learn and try to understand and call out hypocrisy whenever you can
Nothing worse than trumped up monkeys who think they are special
This salmon scanned at ten dollars, but it says nine ninety nine on the shelf

This poem was written by you, or someone, or somebody. It started with a publicly available Google Form promoted through this site and social media. The idea being that you could contribute to an automatic poem. The contributions were completely anonymous. I don't know who wrote what or what country they came from or whether it was many people or just one. Some people have obviously tried to contribute in the spirit of the experiment. Others, well you wonder why they bother. I had an interesting discussion with a software developer a few weeks back who coined the term 'crowd sourced art', which I like as a concept. His experience of such things were that given the chance people were more likely to draw a moustache on a face than use the opportunity to participate in collective creativity. So this is it, without edits or embellishment. There is some beautiful and thoughtful writing which moves me. Great poetry? I think perhaps not. But then, maybe my preconceptions have to adjust to the reality of what now exists. So, I just wanted to say...

I just wanted to say...

Please write your response. It will be assembled into an automatic poem. All replies are anonymous...


Morana is an ancient goddess associated with winter's death and rebirth and dreams. A collaboration with Milica Raičević. Her website is here...